whiteye X.0 solutions

at your fingertips

Don’t be afraid, ask us!

30 years

of expertise at your disposal.

emerging technologies
the future is now

About whiteye X.0


whiteye is w2w, is engineering and consultancy, lobby and networking generator, with
a great ability to get to the core of the problem and with disruptive proposals that
solve this through contacts and communication, in the business model
collaborative that has come to stay.


We incorporate engineering and technology to your entire value network as an organization,
encouraging the digital transformation maintained over time, with professionals from
last generation.


Beyond reality, anticipating time, converging today with tomorrow,
for a freer and more sustainable society.

Contact me









Solutions, innovations, business development, engineering, technology, enabling tools, motivation, communication at the highest level, radio communication, are the tools that we put at your disposal with more than thirty years of expertise in multiple sectors and areas of the industry.

There is no big or small project, they are challenges to overcome complexity and doubt, always, from the simplest and most disruptive proposals on the market. But adapted to the real need of the client (you).

The search for excellence and good work, with persistence and customer focus, generates enthusiasm and collaboration in the latter, providing confidence where the proposals generated continuously and continuously give a turn to the way of undertaking new projects and growing sustainably.

Listen Conecta Ingeniería…

In addition to his activity as a consultant, Alberto is currently director of the Conecta Ingenieria program at Capital Radio. Through this role, Alberto helps professionals learn how they can take advantage of their knowledge of technology to make a difference in the world.

Access to Conecta Ingeniería


The society we know is going to transcend exponential levels of development in less time than you might imagine. And you, have the power in your hands to adapt and transcend. Don’t let anyone align you, make your mind, your most powerful tool, ready to acquire knowledge and put your lessons learned into practice.

The baggage, experience, knowledge, background that I have are assets that I put at your disposal for your transcendence towards a better industry and technology.

The world is contacts and my numerous dissemination and communication actions in the technological, business, startups, media, social media, associations, NGOs, intellectuals, scientists, researchers and professional associations allow me to solve problems that affect your productivity and that will greatly improve your benefits as an individual and as a company.

Being ethical, loyal, empathetic, transparent and communicative is the basis of a mutually beneficial relationship between you and me. Being pragmatic and efficient with you will generate a fully satisfying environment for collaboration and business development.

Contact, connect and transcend to another dimension.

Knowledge and thoughts

Dare to bring a critical spirit

See all my posts


Book your online session with our experts, where we will help you achieve your goals through the use of innovative engineering and technology solutions, so that you can become more competitive and successful in your area.

Book a consulting session

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Engineering and technology worldwide